For if you are gone for long periods of time

Thanks for the kind words.

I know that’s not it. I just get way too invested and lose sight of everything else. The amount of games I’m in is not very relevant.
It’s only my first “day off” when it comes to mafia and I’m already capable of putting much more effort / investment in other areas. And it’s visibly paying off already. Unfortunately (or fortunately), this was the correct decision to make.


But Vulgard you are fun D:

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You could always try setting yourself a daily time limit on how long you’ll spend on mafia

There are browser addones for that. I actually have one that I frequently rig again… :stuck_out_tongue:

I tried that but i feel bad when games arent filling and have to step in, thats why im awake so early so i can do the work i was supposed to do last night



Honestly, should have said this last week, but yeah, not playing anything for a while tbh

focus on school, got finals in a couple of weeks, so yeah very busy, and have no time.


The post I’m replying to is reasoning.
This is the last post I’m making for a while here.


But Kyo!

Gonna miss ya Kyo, hope to see ya back sometime

So I made this no secret in scumchat but like ramble time I guess

My generation is effectively dead.

Through age, attrition, and occasionally murder, I’m really close to being the last one of us left.

Around half of those I cared about here are gone, and my dedication to Solar Car came at the worst possible time.

I failed to be able to do anything to change the outcome of this community, and although I still like a lot of you a lot, and don’t regret my decision to put Solar Car first one bit, that still doesn’t feel good.

I was planning to make DRFM my last game here, as it pulled in most of those I like who remain and shows some respect for Sarun, who, despite her flaws, is still someone I genuinely enjoy and wish the best for and made some of the most memorable moments of any of the games I’ve been in.

Sucks that was canned, but I guess life really do be like that sometimes.

Anyways, I’m sure I’ll still be around. I can’t imagine I log off of a site I’ve been checking literally every single day (often multiple times) for almost three whole years and don’t look back, and frankly I don’t have a reason to try.

But there are just places that need me more, and places that don’t come with the baggage I am forced to carry here. It’s not fun to be constantly reminded of those who were forced out and those who see no good in me, and although I’m damn good at ignoring things like that, it’s much easier to move on to places that are both in need of my help and actively asking for it.

So yeah, probably done with games here. I make no promises - if someone does something really amazing, I doubt I’d stay out just because it’s here, but my time and efforts are better spent elsewhere, both for myself and those who are counting on me.

It’s been fun, I wish you all the best, and remember, y’all know more about me than I’d like, so I’m sure you’ll have no trouble tracking me down if you want. Sorry I couldn’t commit to something like this months ago - maybe things would have gone differently if I had.

Hard respect to those as old as I who still maintain an active presence - it has been a hell of a ride, and I’ve been glad to meet you all along the way. Keep in touch.

As for the newbies from the last two years, I hate all of you and you personally are the reason I’m leaving. Just kidding, duh - in general, you’ve been a lot of unique, interesting, and great personalities that have been a huge joy to play and talk with. Hell, I even met up with Luxy, which was pretty neat even if it couldn’t be for all that long (and would not be against doing this again if the stars align).

I’m glad I can step out of games here without feeling obligated to make it a real “goodbye”. Far too many others have not been in so fortunate a position.

So yeah, orange out.

Chau nerds


God bless you.



Good luck on your way to find another community to stay in :wink:

To be honest though, I am going to miss you, you have always been a nice and fun addition inside this community.

And hell, what surprises me the most is the amount of time we have spent on this community, lul. Almost close to three whole year, during which, we undergoes some drastic change and alike.

Anyway, in the end, we all have quite a lot of fun on this forum, right? Even though there is some moment where it quite sucked, but we quickly learn how to overcome it.

Thank you, Orange, and farewell!


Why does everyone keep leaving :((((((

Well, as I said, I’m not leaving leaving

Again, I imagine I’ll still check for pings here every time I pick up my phone out of force of habit

But also I don’t plan to actively join future games, so.

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ok boomer

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Yeah, a lot of youngsters left forums recently.


It’s good the older team stays strong.

:eyes: I’ll make use of this gift.

Also clean break… mental health… reprioritizing… physical over virtual connections… yadadada.

Let’s see if I can make it last.