For if you are gone for long periods of time

With orange officially no longer playing I’ll be the longest standing active player and request to be called Obi Wan Kenobi by all.

Good day.

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I refuse

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awwwww wittle baby hippo wants some attention


Orange do you remember the first game I played?

Was it Blender 2 or no


looks at this post
looks at when I joined
looks at my badges

…one day, Nerbins. One day.

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Fun fact: I joined the community a day later after you joined :wink:

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Says for me you joined two days after.
Oh, those silly time-zones, at it again!
Actually your location says “time paradox” so maybe that explains it

Either way that’s besides the point. I’ll be a vet one day, Insanity, and then you’ll finally cease your flexing. I don’t care if they don’t give those out anymore, I need it and I’ll get it with force if I have to


Actually wait they are giving them out again now
I take back the “force” thing, I’ll wait patiently


Jul 21, '17

holy shit wow i didn’t realize that

Let’s strike together

But let’s be real Merc

None of us knew you for ages



Your first forum post was June 2018

Get outta here nerd

But I was on the Discord server

Irrelevant to the current discussion

Then someone may have known me

Were u on the discord server early 2018? I think you were

I’m part of the 2nd gen here, cuz I didnt FM here first, I got into the RP section.

I was there from beta so yes
early 2018 I should have been a guide at the time

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