For if you are gone for long periods of time

Goodbye again :wink:

I want to make it clear that I wonā€™t be leaving, but I just wonā€™t be able to play FMs/FoLs because they are too much of a time commitment for me rn. I will still be able to play turbos though.


Update ~

I will really miss everyone on here, but I have to do it. I know I just recently came back, but I will have to finally take a break from the forums. Iā€™m letting everyone here know this, so I donā€™t go ā€œmissingā€ again.

I will eventually come back onto the forums, just not right now. Iā€™m super busy. Itā€™s very fun here though.

Goodbye, everyone!


Fourms are dying someone help

You hear a voice, from Firekittenā€™s grave.

Let the dead die, as all good things must come to an end


Boy you joined in July


And since then fourms are dying I fail to see your point

FK is still reading the forums

He, just cuz heā€™s not a vet doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t careā€¦
Like wtf.


Personally, refuse to respect anyone whose great great grandmother wasnā€™t on this forum.


On my time Alchemist sucked and Mercenary was loved


Itā€™s a joke, Priestess

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Oh hey hippo your pfp is finally not trash again



This doesnt seem to give the message I wanna giveā€¦

I have to focus on studies for the next 6 weeks, and finally maybe then I can get a respite from studies temporarily, but I have my grades to push up and my portfolio to work on.

It was fun here, but all good things will come to an end. I wanna participate in so much more, but I just canā€™t due to my current scheduling.

After all, Iā€™m aiming for Shuniversity! I canā€™t pause here, Iā€™m aiming for the very top!
That means I have to sacrifice some things. That includes forum mafia and roleplayingā€¦ and hopefully the amount of time spent on the phone.

Hoping that this way I can grow up a bit, you see.
Stay cool fellas.


Stay strong, Shuri! You can do it!

This time, I want to take a break and commit to it. I donā€™t want to come back like I always do as I need to get away from this community, itā€™s latched onto me too much. I love it here and all, but the games require commitment, commitment Iā€™m clearly not willing to take. I also want to be able to control my anger, in case i do come back to playing games on the forums.

I still will be popping on to talk every now and again, I just wont be playing any more FMā€™s on the forums. At most Iā€™ll be hosting around 2 more games Iā€™m planning on hosting.

Anyway, I love it here and everyone here are great people and I enjoy talking to them, itā€™s just in games like FM Iā€™m such an asshole when that isnā€™t me irl. I donā€™t want you all to think of me as Iā€™m just some ass on the internet. I considered most of you here my friends and I hope you guys did too. Youā€™ve made me happy the time Iā€™ve been here and Iā€™m glad to say this is not a sad break of where something has gone completely wrong, but instead a happy break. Iā€™m still always contactable on Discord but I must disappear now. Also Iā€™m starting to have to practise for my GCSEā€™s in school and I want to focus on those because those will keep me in the top set.

Goodbye now. Like many before me.

WazzaAzza#4332, signing out.
Here is the Shibe Version of me, just as a little momentum for my goodbye.


Play some Tol with me if you like

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Forced playing a horror game with Hja atm.


@Emilia good think you found someone to play with ya :ā€™^}