For if you are gone for long periods of time

eh nvm
i just need a bit of time to cooldown

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Iā€™ll join ya soon enough, bestie


Updated it.

Gonna be taking another break from the forums, hopefully not as long as last time. With all the shit going on around us, I donā€™t need any added stress.


taking a break from playing fm / fol for a bit
still will play if absolutely necessary, but some things just donā€™t want to be unearthed


stay safe :wave:

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my recent lack of care about the game and extra personal circumstances are both bad signs for my fming here.
iā€™ll probably return at some point but i shouldnā€™t play for some time
might still spectate games and make fun of things and people because thatā€™s been my mood for a while
so :wave: but not rly?


Iā€™m taking an indefinite (likely permenant) break from playing here.
I still plan to co-host a lot of stuff here that I hope will be interesting and fun and Iā€™ll be around and following a good amount of matches Iā€™m not a part of.
But yeah, when I havenā€™t improved at all since starting here and learning how to play, and have even gotten worse in some ways, despite pouring hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours into this place, itā€™s time to stop, to be frank.


Have you ever tried to actually analyze what you did wrong instead of joining yet another game straight after previous ended?

I just keep staying the same or get worse at times, and I feel like it isnā€™t that worth it to invest the time to improve.

I feel this way because currently I feel that using meta analysis is my only viable way to play competently, and that takes dozens of hours every game

Have you ever considered taking FM less serious? Stressing yourself over a game is not worth it - unless you want it, of course.

I think a big part of why a lot of us play FM is for the adrenaline
But Iā€™ve just found that itā€™s not feasible for me to play in a match well with the time I have

Young chicken :joy:

I require you to spectate me and marshals game once it exists

Thatā€™s pretty much what I do, I just try not to stress over it. Whatever happens happens

Quitting for a while and resigning from moderator

I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll come back


Luxy was talking to me on discord about their reason for leaving.
In a brief summation, they are leaving to focus on their personal life.

If you want to know the full details, theyā€™re willing to respond on discord.


planning on taking a long hiatus
if you need me
reach me on discord


The last few hours have been hell for me. I just feel really terrible and just upset for a number of reasons. This is for a lot of reasons but at least one of them might be putting too much emotional stock in FM. I think im going to only play 1 game at a time because I feel like im just not in a good state to do any more then that. I am still going to host the apprentice because I have everything planned out for that game, but right now I really shouldnā€™t overexert myself and my state is being projected onto others. Im just playing with AtE and Itā€™s really inexcusable.

Im sorry to those iā€™ve hurt. I just really need to focus on myself and balancing more then 1 game and doing that is nearly impossible.

Im posting this here because while iā€™m not leaving my play activity will decrease greatly