For if you are gone for long periods of time

Maybe it is possible for me to play well without meta; maybe not.
But it just isn’t worth the possible risk to my mental health that could result if i tried.

unfortunately there was a new one now on the same day as this post.

Not playing is better than a true goodbye.

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It was going to be a true goodbye from me last december
But i came back
In large part due to wazza missing me

Welp. Nice to see you back as co-hosts.

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do you need to talk
I’m open to it at pretty much any time

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dm me

this is hereby reversed
I am happily surprised that i’ll be able to get a medication refill p soon
And well boredom is painful. Animal crossing burnout is inevitable and I’ve already watched most of what interests me on the anime / netflix fronts.

You’re a good friend @KyoDaz. i’ll almost certainly be playing bfa 2.


yay! :orange_heart:


Oh joyous day!



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@TheBlueElixir check discord

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my indefinite hiatus from playing is reinstated
while my meds nearly nullify my insomnia for a time, they do not treat depression
playing anything is too much of a risk right now

i deeply apologize to anyone who was looking forward to playing a game with me anytime soon

yes, i still plan to co-host sfol 63 and 64, and hopefully other future stuff too


this is reversed yet again
Im still experimenting
apologies for the confusion

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Please do not ping me for any games in the future until I specify otherwise again here.
I am taking a pretty long break (Ideally a good deal longer than before, at least) from playing anything here after BotF III to focus more on design / hosting duties, running my pathfinder game here soon, focusing on a few other RP’s / Miscs here in the future, and personal matters.

I would add my name to a list like the Turbo DNP list for non-turbo games, but it seems that nothing of the sort exists.

Thank you and be well.


i think instead of a DNP list we have a “Do Ping” list that nobody ever uses anymore

:wave: take care of yourself


I’m on undefined lenght hiatus from modding.



And it’s a repeat. I had … moments of fun? :upside_down_face: I just hate losing. If you’ve the coolest setup (like the actual coolest with fancy post caps) you can reach me on Discord if you’re interested in me joining. Stay safe and healthy y’all and be kind to each other.


Interesting idea.

This is goodbye, I’m afraid.

For my own health as well as everyone else’s, I need to leave this forum, hopefully for good. What could happen if I don’t is too painful to imagine. Maybe my bonds to this community have been weakening; even if that’s unfortunate, it’s something to be thankful for right now.

I won’t lock myself out of here, but I will be deleting my discord and will thus be unreachable and really, really hope I won’t ever log back in. I’m sorry to those that will miss me, but there is no option for me more logical than this one, at this point.

— N out, for the last time.