Fortified Tower 3 - Round Canned (?/14)

Hi, I’m sorry for being all homicidal on everyone, but the phase lengths made me do it.

10/10 would amputate my arm again.

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Also sorry Whysper :heart: our wincons are always against each other lol.

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I mean I would have eaten Aelin but lameass sentry bot said otherwise





im sorry, what?

What’s the problem

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Oh ok
i was confused by the pfps for a sec

solic did you end up living?

app processed my death a round early but i didnt care lmao

i died to the plague
and intensify spread it to me
i was a security guard

oh people actually died?

i had the most boring fucking game ever

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i literally just kept moving up


i was the phantom or whatever
ghost thingy


I was corrupt cop with Chloe, backstabbed Marl, who I met first, convinced them to light the axe that I put in their back on fire to prove they were Firestarter, while I murdered them. Marshal walked in on me standing over Marl’s corpse and while we had “decided” to go up, I shot them in the back. Followed them up a floor, while Gabe joined us. Gabe chilled, while Marshal and I shot at each other. Marshal was a temponaut who respawned again and I was dying due to aging, so I decided to amputate my arm, while I could finally connect with Chloe, because the Hacker died. Whysper and Chloe met up with me and Gabe and we patched me up with some Duct Tape, while Gabe peaced out. Chloe, Whysper and I went up, where we backstabbed Whysper as well and then discovered Gabe was the plague bearer screwing us over. Fin.


what the fuck

No, the sweet embrace of death.

how did i miss ALL of this

I just wanted to do ONE opportunistic murder, but players kept walking in on me, so I had to betray them again and again. :upside_down_face:

wait what the fuck you were CORRUPT




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