Forum game: Rate the "skill" of the player above you

Very good at picking apart players via ISO, even if he burns out after one or two and has to wait a while to do more :wink: . Strong town player with strong reads. Solid scum game except when he replaces in to lock-scum slots. Only played one scum game with tho.

Do me pls.


By far the best forum player on this site, itā€™s not even a question. You have never even lost a game. Some may claim that this is due to you never having played one but donā€™t listen to the haters. You are truly the Alexander the Great of Forum Imperium, a real force of nature in everything you do. You inspire me everyday, and some day I hope to live up to your name.


Im sorry, but i havent played a game with you, so i cant really comment on your skill. Maybe you should join a FM or 2 to see.


no u

I have no idea about Marcusā€™ scum plays, but as town they seem pretty good, and I didnā€™t see him under-fire once in AAFM.
I occasionally scum read him in the one game I played with him, but mostly because that was the one game I played with him. Can be a little-too unserious, but usually balances it out with convincing pushes.

I havenā€™t really played with Nerb a lot. (Well I have, itā€™s just that he is kinda inactive)

He did have a clever play in Cult In The Jungle though I think? (Not sure if it was intentional or unintentional tho)

I have seen the potential of a Htm that tries hard in my first game here (cult in the jungle) and I miss it to be honest. :confused:

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(Well if you want to see a cult in the jungle htm then you should check out Duck Duck Goose, I basically read the scum team day 3)

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Hippo is actually pretty good, even though he owes me for one of his Fool wins :stuck_out_tongue:

can i get a rating :thinking:

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Impossible to rate fairly as the forum community lynches him D2

(Also welcome back)


Iā€™ve only played the one game with Sketch, but he had me read as Neutral correctly in SFoL Blender II and was killed n1 so I think that says enough about him.

Like me, his poker experience helps his view of FM



Lynch day 2.


Can I get some feedback plz


Just kidding, Luxy is a good scum and town player, by being both blendy and hidden, yet confident enough to pull risky plays. HOWEVER, his lack of discord is a big hinderance

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Best player :wink:

A good player all around, though your play is typically plagued by simple issues. As scum, you donā€™t bother distancing from your partners so associative reads on you can easily be used to gamesolve for town. As town, you should try to discern whatā€™s NAI from AI as you clear or tunnel on players for poor reasons at times.

Iā€™ve heard that Sarun is a really good player, but since Iā€™ve only played with them once, and briefly as they were mislynched day one, Iā€™ll rate their skill as a host.
Sarun was an incredibly good host in Adjective Mafia. I noticed only one mistake in the game (lynchproof encouraging laziness in scum), and Sarun vowed to fix it for next time. If Iā€™m correct, that was Sarunā€™s first hosted games, and I was very impressed. I am heavily looking forward to Adjective Mafia 2, and hopefully wonā€™t die day one as medium next time.

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