Forum Hunger Games

Night Two

Tom Hanks starts a fire.

TheBlueElixir cries himself to sleep.

Italy lets Blizer into his shelter.

Magnus destroys Alice 's supplies while she is asleep.

Icibalus tends to Jane 's wounds.

Marshal begs for Simon to kill him. He refuses, keeping Marshal alive.

Amelia goes to sleep.

Sulit quietly hums.

KyoDaz and Anstreim sleep in shifts.

Vulgard and Priestess hold hands.

Orange convinces Katze to snuggle with him.

was this on purpose


more ships


The only intentional one was Katze and Sulit.

Day Three

Simon explores the arena.

Anstreim defeats Katze in a fight, but spares his life.

Marshal picks flowers.

Amelia diverts Tom Hanks 's attention and runs away.

Italy receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Alice runs away from KyoDaz .

Sulit collects fruit from a tree.

Orange , Vulgard , Jane , and Priestess raid Magnus 's camp while he is hunting.

Blizer runs away from TheBlueElixir .

Icibalus discovers a river.

does magnus know something I don’t

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Acidic rain pours down on the arena.

Magnus survives.

Jane is unable to find shelter and dies.

Icibalus is unable to find shelter and dies.

Orange survives.

Priestess survives.

TheBlueElixir survives.

Blizer shoves Katze into a pond of acidic rain, but is pulled in by Katze , killing them both.

Tom Hanks survives.

Sulit survives.

Simon survives.

Amelia survives.

Vulgard survives.

Italy survives.

KyoDaz injures Anstreim and leaves him in the rain to die.

Marshal trips face first into a puddle of acidic rain.

Alice is unable to find shelter and dies.

Me: please kill me simon

me, the next day: f l o w e r s


I better not win or y’all think it’s rigged

7 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.


District 9


District 8


District 5


District 12


District 10


District 2


District 2

You not long later:

… is anyone else triggered by this


Night Three

Sulit , Simon , and Magnus cheerfully sing songs together.

KyoDaz cooks his food before putting his fire out.

Vulgard , Amelia , Orange , and Tom Hanks tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

TheBlueElixir tries to treat his infection.

Italy unknowingly eats toxic berries.

Priestess quietly hums.

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Well then.

Day Four

TheBlueElixir explores the arena.

Vulgard explores the arena.

Simon camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Magnus receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

KyoDaz sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Priestess strangles Orange with a rope.

Tom Hanks camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Sulit fishes.

Amelia travels to higher ground.

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2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.


District 9


District 5


Night Four

KyoDaz screams for help.

Sulit receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Tom Hanks passes out from exhaustion.

Amelia quietly hums.

TheBlueElixir starts a fire.

Vulgard repeatedly stabs Magnus to death with sais.

Priestess quietly hums.

Simon starts a fire.