Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

I cant read Hippo, hes weird to read

/vote @Lymphoma


Says they claimed but they didn’t

U not okx

They claimed professor.



Hes scum fake claiming prof to fish for mayor and kill him

Literally the last games I was in, I was scum with celeste and she claimed to be the Neutral Class D1.

I’m defending him, I’m just pointing out the facts.

Now you have to unvote immediately or you are confirmed NSF to everyone

Oh, maybe they did claim.



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What is your opinion on hippo again?

Im not retracting because lymph could be scum fakeclaiming to be prof

Why does lymph claiming an unprovable doctor claim make her more trust-worthy.


I don’t have a valid reason to vote them right now. The only reason I did vote for them was because I thought they didn’t claim.


Anyone could be scum the

It doesn’t. I was just correcting Okx.

/vote Lymph


If anyone else claims without reason today, especially claiming cit, I’m voting them. Fair warning.

Why do you always die within the first 3 days?