Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

It’d make sense considering the name of the game. We’ll know if the game doesn’t end for some reason once we hang all the scum

Curent vote count:

Execute: 5 - Okx, CaptainNerbins, Marluxion x2, Mthejoker
Pardon: 0 -

/execute @Frostwolf103

so once they are proven the passive happens before they get executed? O_o

Insanity if your role card mentions something weird af that you can do, do it, as that’ll trigger the bastard stuff.

Imma be a great Illuminati.

It’d be pretty amusing if i turned into Illuminati as well, just randomly losing my double vote passive

I have heal priority over Hippo.

Just 1 more Execute vote and sam is getting exed

Hippo, do it. Vote your friend.

oh, you already did.NM.

While you’re here, Frost, please update the OP with graveyard.

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Based on the flavour text I’m p sure you are actually lol

So…we’re the Illuminati?

Nah I reckon some of us will be though.

Obviously we are not ALL illuminati that would be dumb.

Bastard game. Anything can happen.

Sir! As a hard working member of UNATCO, I feel proud to accept my promotion, Sir!

@Insanity Come out, I know that your win condition is to kill Marl. Thats what would make sense for a Rogue Agent. Just saying.

That and the timestamps.