Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

If you’re town this is pretty hardcore gamethrowing

good thing I killed the rogue agent then! :slight_smile: i no longer regret it

Wait so if all janitors are illuminati, then you said @Marluxion that PKR got Captain as NSF because they were Illuminati. If Celeste is to be believe then I think PKR might be NSF Leader

But he might not be again

Celeste isn’t to be believed
Celeste is just mafia making shit up

Right so we put up Celeste?

Yep, as soon as the trial is ended
@Frostwolf103 There was another pardon on PKR, that’s hammer for pardon

PokemonKidRyan have been removed from the stand

69 hours remaining until end of Day 3

/vote Celeste


Ok let me say this, Im not gamethrowing as there is no way to gamethrow :thinking:

I aint a specialist and I aint able to tell whos maf and whos not. The game is about deceit and I dont know who I can trust so might as well lie to everyone!

Just wanted to say that before yall mislynched, @Marluxion alright vote me up boi

/Vote Celeste

Also did u seriously believe me talking about the Illuminati :woman_facepalming:

U need one more rite

They did.
It was obvious you were lying

/vote Celeste

two more, you can’t vote yourself

Dang lol

Sometimes Host allows it :thinking: