Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

Pug was an illuminati doc
I’m the illuminati chief
Maxim was the Illuminati goon
each of our abilities had a twist, like if pug’s heal wasn’t required he silences that person for a day
OKX can’t even chat rn i dont believe

When I promote someone, if they are investigative, they get false results on their check

Either way, we have majority and okx is going to suicide tonight
even if okx could shoot us, he’d still be outnumbered tomorrow

so Frost should probably call the game

My only regret is insanity was killed :<


/vote Celeste

celeste is silenced.

You silenced Celeste instead of OKX? :thinking:

Oh well
OKX is still going to commit sudoku
We hang Celeste
and at night we kill Nozzy
We can’t lose

I thought the suicide happened instantly…


@Frostwolf103 3 votes against celeste

(Reporting you for not silencing celeste earlier)


(Oh for goodness sakes. I called it.
Also, if they have majority, why not just call game?
It was so obvious that this plot twist was coming.
Yare yare. I seriously give up sometimes)

I’m hoping frost will just call the game when he wakes up
our win mechanically cannot be stopped

Yeah, gg.

Illuminati reign supreme.

tbh, suprised I wasn’t executed earlier.

I am so obvious when I’m scum…

Nobody catches on to me

nuuu rip me

actually how were you supposed to win as non-illuminati

even if

non-illuminati unacto troop kills illuminati
unacto troop REGRETS his actions and suicides


Can confirm this is how it works
even if you shot me or pug you’d just suicide

fuck this