Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

Inb4 we meme Lynch Celeste d1 and she turns out to be the UNACTO Leader


Shhh dont tell NSF that

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@Frostwolf103 Is there a way so that Chief only shows one vote so they dont accidently expose themselves? Or is it always on no matter what

Also would Ops Bonus appear as a Fail if they try to target someone with no abilities or would it basically give them a coldsteel/gun that would have to be recharged every use

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I was wondering the same. Also, are you informed the ops bonus guy targeted you even if you have no abilities? If not then ops bonus is basically an investigator as anyone who doesn’t say they recieved an extra use is confirmed mafia.

Or Janitor…

I will mention the amount of votes when the majority is reached so I won’t give away exact player have voted doubled, just the amount of votes for like 8 players with 9 votes won’t tell the bad guys the exact knowledge who’s the chief but only narrows down - it’s player choice rather to go aggresively or stay under radar.

The player will get notified they have been given ops bonus, why would it fail if there’s no class that can prevent the chief? It’s matter of who need the most in discreet and the sense of taking advantaged off from the bad guys.

Janitors don’t need them so it basically do nothing.

So no matter what it shows as a success :thinking: good counter I guess

The tournament really quiets everyone down.

Of course, thats why Im not in it

I already have 6 keys i still need to find a use for

What tournament, pray tell?

Lunamink’s tournament for the throne 3 or 4

What is that? As a player I should probably know this by now.

Basically a tournament in throne of Lies where winner gets 100 USD in Paypal, and all participants get a key to ToL for friends and stuff

At this point, I would say it runs almost every montth

Well I’m never gonna win one of those.

Of course second and third gets some money too but isnt really enough for anything other than donating back to ToL :wink:

Cough cough if you win pls patreon most of it back to the Throne of Lies devs

I confirm @Frostwolf103, sorry i made y’all wait

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