Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

And there it is! The meme vote that caused my eventual Day 1 Execution in Modkilled!

/vote nightx

Hr is trying to be more careful

He nsf

Renegade / Rogue Agent again?

ok thanks for vote and no i am not saying my role

Well in modkilled you claimed my role…

/vote Okz

inb4 celeste actualy gets meme voted up and killed. she’s acting a lot different than her evil games though, so she is most likely town as of now(only d1 tho, so who knows. also i probably suck at reading people)

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Wait u were actually the NK in Modkilled?


Yeah I was Renegade

strong text /vote @Lymphoma
Being very aggro with hos voting, pretty sus @Frostwolf103

(If you need questions or wanting to vote, ping my name along with it)

LMAOOOO I put him in my log as a meme in Modkilled xD wasnt expecting him to be legit

Is it something about people thinking they’re good at reads in FM but really I’m being stupid as a new player?

Işte böyle çalışıyor, Lymph. The living meme.

Yes me

Nah Okx its just the fact that we are greedy people who want classes


Ah, so would the people voting me mind claiming themselves?
How’s that?

Fine. English. That’s how Night works.