Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

Now I shall go afk for a while and hope yall understand what I tried to say

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Seldom trust Celeste, Hardly trust Hippo, Never trust Nerbins, Liars trust Lymph, Maybe trust Maximus, Possibly trust Polik, Rarely trust Ryan, Somewhat trust Sam, /Shoot Nightx, Jerks trust Joker, People trust Pug, Haters trust Htm, and When to trust Wolfy? Post edit: Awfully trust Oks.


Oh yeah. Permission to edit, @Frostwolf103?

You are the nsf

It would be cool if more people voted okx


Celeste, whay sp you rhink about okx?

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That format might work otherwise likely not allowed. Either that or make a seperate comment entirely


I may not answer that question.

Ah yes. The me being NSF and you wanting what I think on celeste despite never playing with him and being new to forum matches thingy.

The sheep must think for themself to become a Wolf.

Ia this because you are afraid to get aligned with them?

May i ask whom you are referring to?

Okx and celeste

The Rogue may have an ability that you do not expect. That is all.

If you dont say anything about them immediately you are confirmed scumteam with them

I take it you are Class-D, Celeste? (Minor detail, I don’t think we want you dead, unlike the Foundation.)

Lymph hsas to be maf honedtly

hsas honedtly