Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

I know, I meant I want to go for Lymph and if PKR is sus, go for him after Lymph if we decide to execute him.

Doesn’t help you said this before this…

Note the “later”. “One person” was Lymph. If I wanted to go for PKR, I would’ve voted 'im.

It’s midnight and I’m tired. Leave me alone!

Oh. Sorry.:confused:

maybe we should also worry about rogue agent

We don’t know what it’s capable of, true, but I’m fairly certain that it’s more scared of us than we are of them, and therefore we should leave it alone until we know more. We know what NSF does though, so let’s focus on them for now.

I don’t know. I don’t like unknowns and the rogue agent is an unknown.

But we have no leads as to who they are. We know what NSF behaves like, but we have no idea what a Rogue behaves like.

Indeed, that is true.

But we still shouldn’t dismiss the Rogue Agent.

Hey, I’m just saying that…
What you’re saying has a different meaning.
VI is specifically town and scum is specifically not

Rogue could possibly be trying to blend in, i could be the rogue just for saying this but, someone else could be rogue but as said earlier we dont know what they are capable of yet

I think all the scum will be trying to blend in, hence the nature of this game.

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yeah kinda like scum but not actually revealing theyre the agent

Why would they do that?

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:man_shrugging: maybe just for the memes

While lymph is acting a bit weird, I do find the people who are actively avoiding posting or posting more than they have to suspicious as well. This probably doesn’t mean much rn but I still think more people should be contributing.

Village Scum/Scum Idiot/ Idiot Scum
An idiot scum is a scum who plays badly.

mfw I am useless since no one listens to my sphiels

Oh lemme talk more so you think Im evil