Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

I’m Jerry Seinfeld.




Btw just so you guys know, the reason i wasnt posting is bc i live in Europe so different Timezones and stuff.

And i am new so i have a question, what is flipping? if we vote someone and we vote guilty they go to jail, and the next day they “Flip”, Whats that?

Like being converted?

A flip is when someone dies and their role is revealed. (a flip of the rolecard)

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A like that, thanks

Current Vote Count:

Lymphoma: 7
Celeste: 1

No, only night chat. It’s right in the OP thread.

/vote Lymphoma

wow you really do hate me.

If I get lynched town will lose this

Lynching doc claim is gamethrowing btw

Current Vote Count:

Lymphoma: 8
Celeste: 1

Majority is 9 votes

No I dont its just the game, we have different alignments and different winning conditions

This game is impossible to play with no voter names anyways

Wait you claimed doc? Sorry i missed that, since i last was online 450 new messages have been sent so i must have missed that.
/Retract vote

MtheJoker is town

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Actually I have it in spreadsheet who voted, should I put names this time around?


Current Vote Count:

Lymphoma: 7 - Sam17Z, Biggiebino, OkX, Wolfy, Celeste_Ludenberg, NightX, CaptainNerbins
Celeste: 1 - Lymphoma

Majority is 9 votes

Just because he claims doc doesn’t mean that he is. No one is ccing him because to me it seems like the real doctor wants to keep quiet so scum doesn’t pick him off since he can protect mayor right now. There is such a thing called, lying after all.

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