Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

Give me JUST ONE CHANCE. I’m confident here.
Polik is going to flip some form of scum. My gut and head haven’t screamed at a scum harder in my life.

@Marluxion is acting very aggressive. But I do think they may have a point on @PolikShadowbliss, but since I am new I do not know how these people usually play.

Abstaining for now.

I haven’t death tunneled on a person like this before, because I haven’t been as confident as I am now before.

Well. I lot happened since I fell asleep. Marls argument convinced me. Plus, they’re chief.
/vote Polik

Polik is definitely acting suspicious.

However, I don’t think these are Grounds to clear Lymphoma.

What is Lymphoma guilty of? RVS is a thing.

Marl, the last time you encountered Lymph in a game was in Mexican Stand-off. And you shot him out of the gate. If Lymph is evil, you’re doubly ****ed. And I still think they’re evil, but it’s safer to follow you.

He was forcing people to claim for no reason you numbskull. Pushing someone to get a read is different you actively searching for power roles.


Marl, captain, mthejoker are town

I’m the UNATCO Chief, yes. But i don’t need to be told that
Vote Polik with me Lymph

@Marluxion Where’s my ping?!

I wanted a VC if possible
Also is my double vote ability hidden or public?

It will be revealed when the majority reached


That’s not Marl, but I got him.

Marl did not ping you, this was 19 minutes ago. He just wanted a vote count. Nerbins did.


You read it wrong.

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I pinged Frost earlier too