Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

There’s no reason he shouldn’t be able to. I’m just a normal player like anyone else.

cough You almost always lead votes and the town to execute cough There has barely been any times where Ive been in game where a primary leadership has formed that did not consist of you. If you were dead, Mafia might have a chance and new leaders could form. PS I hid a secret message in this post.

so you want me dead so mafia can have a chance to win?

Pining for Chief’s death ain’t gonna do good for you, pal.

pretty sure only town celeste would be this dumb

Use proper grammar in your posts. Capitalize.
And eat your sushi, Marl.:hamburger:

Hamburgers are the best sushi.

The only thing I capitalize on are scumslips like Polik’s!

Image result for dab

…you get the joke, right Marl?


“Eat your hamburgers, Apollo.”?

Yes, I do

Image result for facepalm

What is this madness?


The comic is a reference to how ace attorney repeatedly says that it takes place in the US in the English version.
when it clearly takes place in japan, lel.


Im going insane It seems

Ohhhhh 10/10