Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

If they show up as mafia, I will kill them. Have me and another specialist in them to confirm and if I am wrong I die, if not I live. We see what happens with Polik.

You could be NSF Leader. That wouldn’t be proof.

Let’s not have a mislynch d1 then, exactly you are right.

Can we just lynch Sam and Polik tmrw? Godfather is the one with the abilities

I will check Polik, have another specialist in Polik. If I am wrong Lynch me, if I am right then I am right.


Read already

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Theres three mafia ingame. Two of yall check one mafia and fake confirm yourself. I say both Polik and Sam are evil due to Sam trying hard to protect Polik

But if I am wrong the other specialist would out me.

Sam17z pretty much has to be our lynch tomorrow

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True, most people are asleep right now


/vote execute


Nah, I think its flipped. Sam is sticking his neck out for Polio which means if buddied, Polik is likely the more important role.

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A repeat of SFOL 16.5 where I stood up for Frost (not knowing he was my negotiator) because he came up as ns.

A repeat of your mistake from that game, yep.

Actually that’s true, if Sam17z and another person check Polik and he’s NSF Leader, then everything is good. So you’re probably right.

I did not know Frost was my negotiator, I was just sticking up for a potential bd.

Oh when did Frost up the NSF Count from 3 to 4

It was always that way

Definitely wasnt :thinking:

I going to bed, tell me your virdict. Either go with my plan, or not. I don’t mind exing Polik but I don’t want a dead town on our hands. Remember the UPick.