Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

Insanity did nothing wrong!

Only I can kill people!

If we hang PKR, I want you to shoot NightX tonight. Got it?

Even if he’s NSF or UNACTO?

He’s the second most likely to be nsf

We won’t see what PKR is until tommorow so by then it’ll be too late

Ah yes, of course. I will kill NightX if we kill PKR


…You’re simon’s replacement eh?

I’m Janitor

Wow we got a real Sherlock over here

Specialist here.
I have good news!
Captain Nerbins is a member of the NSF

that’s probably why you’re second most sus

Okay, we Lynch PKR and if innocent shoot Nerbins

Hang PKR and shoot nerbins ez

Captain Nerbins is dead and he flipped UNATCO
Caught red handed

Wait I’m blindeded

Should’ve done your research when preparing your lie :man_shrugging:

Please don’t mislynch me.
It’ll frustrate me.
Vote nerbins.
If wrong, shoot me

he flipped specialist