Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

Celeste seems a tad too eager to hang someone ‘who can’t be mafia’ in her eyes

:thinking: Well Im sorry im a dumb angleshoot

Wait, it could be the faction kill mechanic.

changing my mind yet again



That confirms I couldn’t be goon Okx.
Actually confirms the exact opposite is true.
It confirms I have to be UNATCO as everyone else on that list is too

It could be that you are NSF Goon and frostwolf was waiting for a faction kill decision from you

I think you’re smart enough to not want to lynch someone who you think is town though.
Unless you’re scum of some kind

Except Sam…
I’m having a bad day

Plus your defense is horrible so that leads me to execute.

@Ami @Okx Sheep me and pardon this

Dawh imma be nice /pardon @Frostwolf103

Just need one more pardon

That would be false.
As clearly Hip who was NSF had already had their action “Submitted”
However Sam who was also NSF didn’t
This means it wasn’t waiting for a faction kill as they had already decided Hip or sam was doing it

this bastard mechanic sucks. i still think pkr is sus though



Pretty sure PKR is a good enough player not to say a confirmed town is mafia as scum though.
So I’m inclined to believe him
@Frostwolf103 That’s hammer for pardoning pkr

Right, we said the next most sus was NightX

I’m having to ask Frost if it was a mistake or not Marl. As if it was, then I cannot be held accountable. If it wasn’t, then NSF goon was promoted D2 start

Also, could the NSF Leader do anything on N1 or was he considered jailed and not able to do anything?

If he could do something he could frame

That was until Celeste admitted to wanting to kill someone she thought was town

Jailed I would say means it blocks all actions

oh ok, i will just follow you :stuck_out_tongue: