Forum Mafia - Enemy Within (illuminati disgracefully won)

Oh my god. Ici changed his PFP.

ici chnages his pfp, nobody cares


Why tf was this bumped? :expressionless:
I’m unimpressed… Again

Never question a moderator, Ryan.

I’m not questioning a Moderator.
I’m questioning a Marlderator.
Those are acceptable to question

Image result for banhammer


Because It’s both a deux ex reference and entirely fitting :thinking:

This is fake it doesn’t say “Marlderator” :^)


I definitely deserved my win

/ s

I still think I deserved my win for flipping calling Marl being Illuminati Chief T-T
Can’t I just be an honorary member due to my discovery?

Yes of course!

And to the person that publicly calls Deux Ex themed Forum Mafia.

You also said that you were being paranoid.

As I normally am.
Have you seen BtM!PKR?
Like holy moly it’s bad…
Still, a read is a read :wink: I called it and we cannot deny that

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You specifically said you believed that I wasn’t :^)



I put that quote on Stupid Quotes thread.
It’s still funny.