Forum Mafia - Mountainous 2 (Mafia wins!)

You know what? Fine. I know for a fact that I am not scum. But if you execute me, you will get a chain of endless likes.

Wagon cap

I have a good feeling

What can I say, I play to my strengths.

Fuck you.


I hard claim Citizen

What does that mean?

Ok nerbins, I’m fine with and understand your being upset at being a policy lynch but if they said it was because they thought you were scum don’t take it personally

Random voting stage

Do you know that cap is a town member?

Does mafia have a daychat?

Reading is fun, you should try it.

Dunno if you’re saying that to fake claim town though

You did that in purgatory as well and everyone assumed you were VI because of that. You Mr, are not getting a pass from me.

Did he do that in purg?

Also wow a rare example of someone referencing a past game which is actually relevant.

If he did I’m down with a lymph vote tbh.

I think he did. He normally does it all games.

And I’m not the only one that brings up past games as well, so don’t throw all the shade on me for doing that :pouting_cat:

Why is metareading scummy :smirk_cat:


He didn’t that game. I still don’t like the way he always claims first days and everything expecting people to believe him, and the fact him asking if there is a scum daychat does not save him either, because I’ve seen scum in other mafia games use that before. Only by new players because they’re getting used to the games, but in this case, it could be oldest trick in the book to Lymph.

It’s not scummy as such. It’s frowned upon, just like angle shooting. True I might be doing something frowned upon now, but your behaviour is always unpredictable. At least with other players sometimes, it would be easier to read them. I managed to somehow read you accurately in Purgatory. Checks to see if Superjack is in the game.

Right now, my gut is saying you’re scummy, even by fake asking a question in the OP.

I wasn’t throwing shade on you. I was saying that you mentioning that lymph made the same play in purg is a rare example of referencing past games being relevant. I was complimenting you.

Fair enough. Wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not. As I said, he didn;t that game, but something is still bothering me about that…