Forum Mafia - Mountainous 2 (Mafia wins!)

/vote techwolves
Let’s see some explanation


NoLynch - 1 - Shurian
Celeste - 5 - Hippolytus, Lymphoma, Simon, Techwolves, Parfait
Hippolytus - 1 - CaptainNerbins
Lymphoma - 4 - Celeste, Wolfy, Insanity, NightX
Techwolves - 1 - Sam17z
No Votes Cast - 2 - @PokemonKidRyan, @Pug,

With 14 Players alive, Majority is 8.

Too bad its insta death so no vote shooting

I want to pressure techwolves for now, get some logic. Then if he is clean we go back to Celeste or Lymphoma.

/vote Celeste

better jump on the #LynchCelesteD1Meta bandwagon

NO. Vote for nolynch. It’s simpler!
/unvote nolynch
/vote Lymphoma It’s to even the odds. Wait…

Oh Pug no Pug…

On second thought…

/vote Techwolves.



Again… thunderdome…

1 Like

Hard claiming citizen

Everyone says that. But since that’s the reaction I get from you…
/unvote for now.

I’m watching you. :slight_smile:

As usual, eh?
Always a thunderdome…


Celeste - 6 - Hippolytus, Lymphoma, Simon, Techwolves, Parfait, Pug
Hippolytus - 1 - CaptainNerbins
Lymphoma - 4 - Celeste, Wolfy, Insanity, NightX,
Techwolves - 1 - Sam17z
No Votes Cast - 2 - @PokemonKidRyan, @Shurian

With 14 Players alive, Majority is 8.

48 Hours Remain


I really want to borrow a choo choo. :3

I need your approval!

/Vote Lymph

/vote tehwolves

Anyone who hasn’t changed their vote at least 6 times needs to up their game. Get on my level.

reason for it?


:3 Nozzy please?

noz isnt in this game though