Forum Mafia - Mountainous 2 (Mafia wins!)

I posted that list of people alive for a reason. :wink: There’s no rules saying you can’t ping people

Well i mean i got no reads at this point but ill stop force of habbit there

It wasnt meant to be hostile.

my bad

We really need to hear more from @Insanity

Notice that Wolfy and PKR are usually joining with each other. They both are “not posting much” so either they’re both town or not town.

Insanity has been posting a little too little so I have no idea and cannot read. Nerbins is low but since there’s a possibility of him making a mistake early I don’t think it’s good to vote him.

I still stand by my decision to vote tech. I have been trying to push tech for the last few days with no results now.

Btw don’t mind late replies I think something’s wrong with my connections rn. Be back in an hour.

On a plane for around 30 minutes.

Hm :confused: kind of sus that shurians just targetting me im not even targetting them

Don’t push votes. Evil.

Has shurian even voted any of the guys we voted on?

No. And that’s a good thing because they were all good people.

Just asking not saying its bad

Just putting my list rn night pkr and shurian are my list :confused: i understand you guys think some are town just haven’t they pushed fast with the votes?

I mean, it would be more sus if they targeted you and you were targeting them

Like shurian keeps wanting to vote me

But isnt it odd that shurian just auto targets me?

Well, if they find you sus, no

I dont think so, at least

I mean not even night or anyone else auto votes me just shurian