I agree. /howl for the Wolf.
I am so sorry Tech.
I cannot believe that Shurian wasn’t lynched for that ‘lynch me so we lose’ play
So yeah, I am just a mindless sheep, I guess so.
I was convinced she was scum when she said she wanted you to modkill her, but I was close to Techs lynch, so I put a blind eye to it at that point.
I didn’t officially spectate but IMO the second Shurian self accused in MyLo/LyLo were they not essentially confirmed scum? How is that ever pro-town, even as some sort of bait. You’d literally just get hammered into oblivion.
I was focusing on Tech for now. I was going to vote Shurian afterwards.
Hey, don’t copy my idea.
You did kinda hammer 48 hours early for no reason even if you think they are scum, discusion is important in mountainous. Use the full time.
NightX was the only maf with any sort of subtlety.
clearly not the correct focus LUL
Tbh Shurian was too indecisive most of the time.
I am not really interested ,-,
So why sign up?
I don’t know.
Messing around?
Because experimenting is fun.
This has been a social experiment in which everyone was given a town rolecard. I dub it ‘Mislynch Simulator 2018’
Thank you for participating
On second thought, I should have known Night was evil when they started trusting me as a leader.