Forum Mafia - Mountainous 2 (Mafia wins!)

Hey! Noz isn’t in this game!

/vote Hippo
If you think Lymph and I are in kahoots, you’re wrong. Mafia wouldn’t out them self out of the blue by voting eachother. So naturally, you’re scum. LOGIC

I don’t think you are Lymph are in cahoots. I think he is town and you are scum.

Odd that you jumped to that conclusion though.

Because that’s the only slightly suspicious thing I did.


You know what?

Rant incoming

I’m sorry, but**** you. I am a god damn citizen. If you don’t believe me, the forum’s resident Village Idiot, that is fine. But I am god damn FED UP WITH BEING EVERYONE’S VOTE SPONGE EVERY ****ING GAME!

Thank you!

Actually my list of policy lynches here would be Celeste>Lymph>Insanity>You.

I’m just voting you because I believe you may be scum.


Prove it.

Hey gang, wanna see a quote?

I want you to show me you are town.

We’re citizens. How can I do that?.. the answer is “I can’t”, isn’t it?

Why assume I’m also a citizen.

I didn’t mean you, I meant the entire town is made up of the most boring role ever.

Thats why you put your tvs vote to people who will go crazy after getting votes

Apart from you and your two friends though right?


Cap really might be scum

You’re triggering me on purpose.

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