Forum Mafia - Mountainous 2 (Mafia wins!)

that was meant to be a question
basically, is that not scummy?
either you misinterpreted that since i forgot a question mark (in this case its definitely my fault)

or, i was basically asking about/pointing out that your saying that implies that you may think that unless he provides info, hes not scummy enough for a vote, but when he does provide said info he is scummy enough

i think one or both of us just misphrased causing the other to misinterpret


I think that just happened and we both had massive brainfarts at how confusing this situation is atm. And the fact I’m still broken by Shuri’s posts.

yeah okay, i think were good now

Either way if I die it confirms Lymph as Mafia :woman_shrugging: if Lymph dies and appears as Town then we just wasted two days :woman_shrugging:


Why do you want to lynch me but not celeste?

Same reason as why u maf wanna exe me

Ideal Situation: Ignore me and Lymph’s accusations while finding a high chance Mafia

Worst Case Scenario: Lose four people, me and Lymph via execution and two Mafia Faction Kill targets bringing down town to 7.

how does it confirm them as mafia?
especially so since the second part says that they could still be town despite this

if we hang you and you’re town, put explicite and definite evidence of lymphs slip in your ill (if we have one)
if you dont do that, dont be mad if we “miss it”

Maf kill has a delay due to 11/3 no delay apparently being extremely scum sided (this isnt supposed to be accusatory toward marl, i just dont know one way or the other)

Because Celeste doesn’t actually seem like mafia this time.

The mafia claim was a joke, of course.

On the other hand, I’m actively reading you as Mafia.

And only one person gets rngd in lynch if tied…

so why you concerend. If you want to be saved from the lynch, then show us Lymph’s slip, as I think you’re at least L3 or 2 right now

Isnt this game no journal

Doesn’t say, but normally in Vanilla games, they tend not to have journals.

@Marluxion, can you confirm if that’s the case where logs are actually allowed or not?


Also Celeste, just stop wasting time and point Lymph’s slip now. I’m giving you till 10:00pm my time. If you don’t show us, I’m voting you so you’re at L1, L2 by that point.

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I think we death stare techwolves for sheeping. And Shurian I excused Simon because as you see in UPick multiple times I call him a pacifist for blending in with the town and he says that he is not good at the game that is why. So I let him off the hook.

Celeste if you don’t point out lymphs “slip” you are 100% being hung.

i would like to point out that it is only between those that are tied though

I know. I said that just as soon Hip voted Celeste

Also @Margaret, you have an hour and 39 minutes to come up with that proof for me.