Forum Mafia - Mountainous 2 (Mafia wins!)

Mafia is too OP

And game will end with MyLo

Correct. And that is why the Mafia’s factional kill now has a one night cooldown. (1 KP every two nights.)

Otherwise town stands no chance.

Vanilla 11/3 is ridiculously scumsided.

/vote captain nerbins

What do you mean?!
I’ve rolled town so much recently.
As many hosts do know and games have been proven at the end

Yare yare…
I was happy to be scum with Parfait

PKR edited that pls ban^


It’s confirmation stage.
Doesn’t harm to edit in my confirm part.
As it’s not taking away info or retracting an action which is key to solving the game

I’ll replace him dont worry.

You’re already in though :thinking:

also no edit sign in the corner = no edit happened :^)

An edit happened to my rolecard from last game… T-T
Marl… I was so happy to actually try and be scum in a mountainous game. It would literally just be about how deceptive I am.
I lost my chance </3

(Yes I’m claiming townie but you guys aren’t gonna fully trust it anyway so doesn’t really matter that I’m like this. Only me and Marl know the truth)

Didn’t matter in the last mountainous :wink:

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Someday there’ll be a mountainous game that doesn’t need rerolled. Someday…

Pkr is town



Celeste 1 - Hippolytus
CaptainNerbins - 1 - Lymphoma

/vote lymph

We’re starting here with someone that’s hard to read. This means likely they will be passed at all time as VI like purgatory, so let’s not make that mistake again

/vote Lymph

Policy lynch :stuck_out_tongue: