Forum Mafia - Mountainous 2 (Mafia wins!)

:mountain: Welcome to Mountainous! :mountain:

What is Mountainous?

Mountainous is a game mode with absolutely no town power roles! The mafia get one factional kill per night and that’s it! The only way town can find scum is to deduce them… socially.


To vote someone, simply type /Vote (playername)
When the majority of players have voted for someone, they are immediately killed.
The two mafia will have a night chat, but no day chat.
Every two nights, the two mafia will pick one player to kill.
Days will be 72 Hours long.
Nights will be 36 Hours long.
The mafia can elect to end a night early once they have finished discussion and chosen a kill.
When you are dead, stop liking posts and posting in the thread. :wink:

11 Citizens
3 Mafia Goons


  1. NightX
  2. :b:nsanity
    3. Lymphoma
    4. Parfait
  3. Simon
  4. Shurian
  5. Wolfy
    8. Hippolytus
    9. Pug
  6. PokemonKiddoRyan
  7. Techwolves
    12. Sam17z
    13. Celeste
  8. CaptainNerbins

Useful Links

Celeste’s Lynch and Hippo’s Killing
The Sam17z Witch Hunt
The Quick Hammering of Parfait and Lymphoma’s murder
Pug’s Sacrifice




When people say (Marluxion, Frost, Noz, and Night) stop with making more FMS but when they make FMS themselves adding to the amount

I never say too many FMs :stuck_out_tongue:

There is only 2 FM’s currently ongoing rn with only 1 FoL.
That is nowhere near too many.

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I will quote you on that. (endless day)

Marl post a link to the hub let everyone see how many FMS there are.
the first two aren’t forum mafia games and both are on hiatus

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And how many games are on standby? + Carnival.

Games in sign-up stages aren’t ongoing games
If you don’t want to play, don’t /join.
No reason to complain about it

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The defiance of sending an image to show how many games are in standby literally just proved my point. Thank you,

You don’t actually have a point though
‘I don’t like games stop making games’ isn’t a point

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It was 7 + Carnival for people that wondered. Just keep that in mind.

Get ur icecream…(jk I go now)

Two Rooms and a Boom will pretty much never fill
It’s been in signups for over a year

But once again, I’ll re-iterate:
A game in signups =/= A running game.

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Why you just liking all of Marl’s posts?

Because he’s right :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you joining or are you just here to complain? :thinking:


I am deciding, to either join or wait until an SFOL starts with a new FOL, with Carnival almost done, so another sfol after that. (Despite the fact that I am in Upick, Frosts fm [cant be asked to name it] and endless which has not started yet so) But this does not count as an fm because it has not started yet, I guess I will wait and see until this fills up a bit.

I really don’t want to pull a @Parfait and spread myself to thin like what he did in FOL 12.