[Forum Matches Only] Things to make FoL less awkward

For forum matches, there are several things which make hosting games much more awkward:

  1. PM limits
  2. Edit limits
  3. ‘The message you post is too simmilar to the last.’

PM limits

We’ve been getting up to creating larger games. I ran into trouble hosting a 21 player game, due to the limit of the amount of topics made per day. Now, I understand the need for this. It prevents topic spam, however, we have Trust Levels for a reason. I propose that we remove the limit for Forum Veterans/Guides/Mods. Sure, there are methods to circumvent this, such as cohosts and discord DMs, but it adds an unnececary hasstle.

Edit limits

You can only edit so many messages per day. This is a problem because we often edit the original posts a lot, because we need to place flips and key links into it. This isn’t as big of a problem, but I’d still propose removing the edit limit from Forum Veterans etc.

’The message you post is too simmilar to the last.'

URGH. This. Often in games of FM/FoL, we need to send duplicate PMs, to indicate multiple randed Citizen, for example. However, we can’t, because this exists, so we have to slightly change every single message in such a way that it isn’t obvious what order the roles were randed and sent out in. It’s just needless hastle, and should be removed from Level 2+.

I have no idea how discourse works btw so don’t get angry at me if these suggestions cannot be implemented.


You think they would of made this easier for you

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Removing the squiggly line showing someone else is typing would also be good, or give the OP the option to turn it off, as it is always used to meta-game. Again, dunno if it’s possible.


Oh man all of these issues struck big-time with SFoL18

Pain in the butt


Multiple citizens in SFoL18 confirmed.

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Well fine

Not the “same message” thing yet

But it will the moment we try to send out any “You slept peacefully.” messages

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how could people metagame like that?

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You can see when and for how long other people are typing for.

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And that is a disadvantage why?

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During my forum game, I found solution of my own.

While the results are the same, you ping the name of the player next to it.

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Simple soultion

Don’t give everyone the same results


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Just make different variatioms?

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That is unnecessary time and effort that shouldn’t have to be spent.

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@í42-Xblade how much of this is possible to fix with Discourse, and how much of it would require an update or plugin?


People being able to lock and unlock their own threads (unless locked by a mod) would be nice too


Well we already have groups that can lock threads

So why not have a FM GM group? :stuck_out_tongue:


That would be great

Self-locking, self-unlocking, and the ability to post on your own locked threads is necessary.


Bump because I still don’t know how dumb I’ll look when I go to Discourse Meta with feature requests

really I just need to know how much of this is editable already

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@í42-Xblade please

You just posted elsewhere, I see you :stuck_out_tongue:

How much of this should I put in a feature request for vs how much of it is already possible

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Ping him to get insta-ban /s

But please, take some suggestion.