Forum Micro Mafia - Lovers

Oh this is a good first game

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Don’t die


Or do. But make sure you win

I’m mostly testing out to see how people like playing in Micro formats like this, and this is a simple place to start without it being mountainous. If it’s liked, there are some more balanced and interesting ones I can roll later as well.

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Balanced and interesting

I have to join to leave a good review


I’m not adding another person - that’d be contradictory to the goal of trying a 6 player game tbh

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thx How do you know your class?

You’ll receive a DM on the forums from me once the game starts.

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You are told

I think the main thing about this is Probably being able to push on your mafia teammates without them being lynched

@Twil1ight weren’t you asking for micro games just a little while ago? :thinking:

but won’t everyone else see?


There’s a green icon that shall show up

No, it’ll be in a direct message from me.


oh ok thx :slight_smile:

I’m planning to launch one but i would like to wait until Day One Mafia ends. :slight_smile:

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If you are my maf m8 push me first

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Thank you for telling us the first person to push on you is mafia :smiley:

oh there’s daychat

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That was the plan…

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