Forum Micro Mafia - Lovers

tinfoil (am I doing this right?)
What if invoker took too long to put townreads because their scum partner told them to say some in their chat :eyes:

took so long*

Also rude :^)

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Guys I am in class. I will talk in 18 min

oh ok see ya, don’t get in trouble :wink:

Hold on

Isn’t that angle shooting


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Accused Voters Count
Invoker Ashe 1/4
Ashe Invoker, Hippolytus 2/4

Okay I got to look up the world instead of thinking it has something to do with time

If referring to my tinfoil, no, that’s just scumreading based on what we know about the game

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I’m saying this because I forgot what I was going to say and then if I don’t say anything i am sus (paranoid just ignore this)

I say we get Ashe

I would like to hold on til nuke gets back for his town reads and scum.

If you are right about him being mafia or us being a scum team we should at least see what he has to say. Everyone voices shall be heard because it’s easier to find scum when they need each other alive.

Basically we see who he thinks is town and go from there.

ok, so wait until he get’s back?


Then we can decide what to do.

The at button on my keyboard is broken can someone at Parfait to ask him who he wants to hang.

Top Scum:

Parfait - They sheeped the Firekitten wagon when they should know that was dangerous. Unlike Invoker I would expect them to know better.


Firekitten and Hippo would be good. Firekitten because he was sheeped by my top scum. And Hippo because doing baits like his vote is exactly what I would expect from Hippo.

Thanks just leaves Ashe and Invoker. One of which I think is scum and the other town but I’m not sure which is which.


Who do you think is scum?

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Going off of that logic if people agree we could go for a Parfait lynch since their partner, in that scenario either me or Invoker, would die with them. I wouldn’t be opposed to that plan.

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I am Town get Ashe if good get me simple