Forum Micro Mafia - True Love <3

Lul why are you confirmed good, me and whamm are, we read eachother and tested, you guys didn’t do amything

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I defended FK bc he just said he was asleep

I didn’t do anything.

What was the test again?

We had a test and I forget to take it?

/vote M

We don’t have to quick wagon anyone yet btw

It’s not like we have a timer above our head

Lmao we aren’t confirmed but htm is clearly town and I’m town. You just quickllynched one of the double town pairs based on a stupid lead and are now pushing the last double town pair.

Whamm told me he was Mafia and I voted him, as Mafia why would I kill myself

Well no you didn’t do anything useful, you only sheeped fk

Well I kinda baited him with “do mafia have a daychat? I’m sorta confused”

if that counts…

Htm he voted me 5 post in the day.

What reason is that?

Yet I was asleep and your reasoning for getting me is that I didn’t say anything.

Does Mafia have a day chat is super clishe, everyone knows that that is a clishe


I’m not good with bait

What is a clishe? Anything to do with a cliché?

FK was asleep too, and you wanted to kill him aswell

Because he had a scummy entrance.

Idk how to spell it okay, mobile + English is my second language

M I know you are scum. That Dama push was awful and you know it. I have no idea why everyone sheeped you on that. Now you are immediately trying to quicklynch the last doubletown.

Tbf FK usually enters with spam and meme and that was not a normal FK entrance

I have a scummy entrance into everything.

I am still trying to figure out what the test was