Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

I’d doubt me to be honest x)

Of course it included you.
Read my N1 result again.
If I thought Mole could be Neut, it’d think you could be too

I just, I’m annoyed that’s all.
I want to oppose it because it’s just like, this game has been hard stacked in Unseen’s favour.
It’s just lucky we have me and Frost (Despite conflicts) to lead us

You say Sketch and Nononoha are compatible

You are deducing Sketch may be healer class?

Essentially, at N1.
I can confirm now that Frost did indeed start as BD because of Mole reviving Insanity.
Therefore despite the suspicions, it’s helped in the long run!!!

I deduce Sketch is our Noble.
As he said he was not too important if I remember someone mentioning that earlier.

Ashe, cards on the table, did you really link minds with Fruit the other noght?

If I was Unseen Servant, I wouldn’t able to occupy my own teammate at Night 4 who could be JammySplodge the assassin.

If Sketch is indeed noble.
In proving myself there are 2 possibilities.
Therefore I’d like to ask Insanity simply.

@Insanity do you agree to this.
We vote up Ashe. They claim Scorned.
You imprison Braixen. If Ashe flips scorned, you immediately execute Braixen and I’m once again proven in the morning.

Of course I linked with Fruit, otherwise I wouldn’t have been stuck with that awful princess claim :sob:

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You sure the assassin won’t kill ya?

Atleast someone is protecting you…

I want claims from people before any plans are made.

But please don’t execute me first then kill Braixen, I’d rather you did it the other way round :stuck_out_tongue:

I doubt Assassin will kill me.
I could easily have someone watching me, couldn’t I?

I’ll consider it.
Do you promise to vote with BD if we execute Braixen?

Absolutely. I already said that earlier iirc and if I’ve won I’ll just want to help BD.

Just hope they didn’t convert the Observer into Nightwatch…

There is no obs

Oh yeah, did we ever get who was jailed when? That could be decent info.

You’re supposed to be quiet!!!

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