Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

I could do that if that’s what the majority want.
I’d just like to implore everyone involved to pay close attention to the last line of my previous post thanks.

Also I should probably note at this point that I sent a Guard to Frostwolf the night he was attacked so there’s not necessarily a healer.

I believe he specified that he was healed and not that he was guarded. But Methnor, could you vote up Braixen with us?

Is it okay if we wait for him to check in today at least and give a claim?

Yeah, that’s fine.

What did Braxien claim?

He has yet to give a claim, but softed an Investigative.

Nothing. He softed an investigative class, so it could very well be Sheriff. That’s why I want to wait for him to check in and give a claim before parking my vote on him.

What did fruit claim?


Fruit claimed Psychic and is pretty much confirmed.

Insanity who did you jail N1/N3?

You and Mole, and I got linked by Psychic.

I was jailed N3, not N1.

Aren’t u jailed N3?

Yeah I typoed. But there are still 2 nights unaccounted for, who did you jail besides Mole?


But wait, this also make sense: Ashe is Fool. No one mentioned being bait and switched

Yeah no, you better not twist these words on me I am the fool and I am already saying I am not the alchemist and there are no other BD-aligned killer types in this game.

You dummy -_-


Told you so.

Thank you, this make the list narrow down.

I wish I was fool tbh xD

No, let prince execute them

Frostwolf’s Journal

Night 1: Concentrated Wine to Fruit
Day 2: Fruit admits this action
Night 2: Serve Wine to Braixen
Day 3: Braixen did not admit being occupied, but he’s no Assassin (yet),Druid/Possessor or Alchemist/Physician. Otherwise I might be drugged by Herbalist
Night 3: Serve Wine to Fruit
Day 4: Psychic claims Rope is Squire according to link mind and Moleland is Priest. I suspect PKR is converted into Waitress Night 1
Night 4: Serve Wine to JammySplodge.
Day 5: There is noble using crier to announce, I believe who this noble claim is.

Suspect list (Private) **Note: Do not post this on death announcement

Methnor “King”
Frostwolf103 - BD Butler
Moleland - BD Priest
Ashe - N Fool / N Scorned
Strangle - N Shaman
Fruit - BD Psychic
RopeStringFace - BD Squire
PokemonKidRyan - BD Maid
NozBugz - N Druid
Insanity - BD Prince
Damafaud - N Fool
Sketch - BD Noble

Mastermind | Assassin | Sheriff | Drunk

Also, Wolfy got redirected by something and no drunk claim has come forward, so I’d like to think he was redirected thanks to yours truly.