Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

Wrong way around…

I only have a role.

Classes fulfill many roles. :wink:

This is your hint.

They’re are caslled classes. Listen to the gaming vets

Hey Fade.
Pretty please can we have a D1 execution?

It’s role there is your hint for my class.

DID YOU JUST?! Oh my gosh.

The fact i told role? It’s a hint about my class.

smacks head on the keyboard repeatedly


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/Vote PKR

This is your hint guys about my class .

Stop. Not another word.
Not even a single one.
Just no more.


PKR are you being possessed or something XD

It’s a joke bro.

No, but this slip is so big, it’s gonna break all my bones.

IT’D BETTER BE. Ugh, I can’t even…

Dude i am the fool.

Hey Prince-Kun. N1 execute this. Thanks