Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

Nope i am not the fool


@Ami we found a better PL.


Don’t kill me i was just trying to make you all think i am fool

What’s a PL?

I regret life.

Wait, it’s the lynch because they tend to be evil thing, right?

Policy Lynch.

It’s not that they tend to be evil, it’s that they tend to be inactive or don’t contribute much in games in general so they’re a decent first target over people who are more active.

I approve of this strategy until the day I become one :rofl:

Wait a sec i got a fool strat for Tol.

*gets triggered at the said “Fool strat” as remembering a game where I got executed as Fool and end up losing even though it said I won to other players

Well to be honest the easiest way to play as fool is to be normal.

Oh my God…

Those two games were the worst of my life. I was the only Unseen member to have been converted and executed as well, and then for no reason, it said that the Blue Dragon won when there were two Unseen left and a scorned.

And my results in the end, everyone (but me) won


Sad life dude.

So I take everyone is having fun?

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gives a massive Joker smile

Oh yeah, having the time of my life…

I mean this would be my first Fol game but meh .

And i mean i used to follow the forum like anything except i didn’t have a account.

So i am new and not new to Fol