Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

@ FadeBlade

I am not happy with you pkr

My apologies oh dark lord.

you did my job for me. and pinged me 1 to many times

now you all gotta wait for the trial to begin

I would say a full day at best

This is host abuse!
Mod squad, assemble!

Mod squad says I’m not looking for drama :joy:

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thats what I would say were I not in a good mood. but don’t do it agian pkr

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DAMN IT PKR! I will get my normal hammer

Oh… xD
Thanks, I’m so glad you’re in a good mood.
I was just wanting to do maths and save you some time!

Just don’t ping our dark overlord more than once ;D

Yes you can apperently

Sorry I came late. Was doing a shoot

Could you just tell me will i die or will i live.

Oh and look who the tide dragged in.
You’re finally here Wolfy. At last.

Welcome to the fun Wolfy :wink:

Whacks PKR’s kneecap You ping tha boss. You lose your knee capz


The Votes a in 8 votes were needed



Also slept peacefully. I have a lot to catch up on still.

So let me get this right, through a quick skim, I saqw that Strangle got marked?

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The trial will end in 24 hours