Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

I agree.
I have a slight inkling it who might be thankfully.
But I would very much appreciate healing

I want to check to confirm my suspicions.
As that’s the safest thing for us.

Check who?

No need for you to worry.
I’m going to check who I read as a Druid against who I read as lock BD

Well, by against them.
I mean something you probably don’t actually expect.


You’ve no reason to know

It will just let the Druid know who to vine.

Exactly why I’m not saying

Anyone want to contribute?
We need discussion… Please…

@Wolfy come on and be active :stuck_out_tongue:

I would most likely agree with a unseen game. Unless fade wants to f*ck with us and have 2 nks along with a Fool

I doubt Fade would do something like that

Remember. This is Fade we are talking about. The edgelord himself.


He may be an “edgelord” to you guys, but he is someone that is good

I just don’t think he would screw us over (this time flashbacks to Upick)

Yeah, that’s just not what’s going to have happened.
However, it’s a bit weird even you’d suggest that as a possibility Braixen. You’re normally more down to earth

While I know that 1) It was an SFoL and 2) Fade wasn’t the one hosting it or involved with it in any mod capacity, don’t forget that there’s a multiball game going on that rolled 2 NKs in it.
I wouldn’t put anything outside the realm of imagination until we have more information.

The first piece of crucial information likely being whether Strangle flips Alchemist or not.

Typically, we have 3 neutrals

Braixen x Wolfy are a confirmed ship.
There are many more here though

For all I know Fade brought in MafiaScum roles and Strangle flips as a 2-shot Bulletproof Compulsive Vigilante.