Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

Yep. Noz had vines around his room.
Or the other person I checked.
But, who would Frame Noz?
Almost nobody as he’s usually pushed for almost nothing.

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Yeah, I could believe that.

@Ami why shouldn’t you be executed?

If you can’t tell.
I’m claiming Maid.
Matchmaked Ashe and Noz last night. Target was covered in vines

I’m not investigative, so I don’t have proof.

Ashe wasn’t covered in vines though?

The only reason I suspect you less than Noz is, I doubt you’d frame him

Wasn’t told which was covered in vines.
Wasn’t even given a proper result.
Only that “my target” was covered in vines

The easiest way to prove is to check the room again tonight, but that seems a waste.


Simply, we vote Noz, have Prince on Sketch.
I check Ashe against someone.

I don’t think we need to jail sketch, unless you think he’s unseen.

It’s actually really scummy of you to randomly think it is me, considering if I am Druid, that means you would to have randomly guessed both of my targets that I would’ve vined N1 and N2.

There are 14 players alive.
Do you know the probability of you happening to choose both of the Druid’s targets last night?


So lynch me if you think that’s good enough odds for you :thinking:

Sketch is one of the 3 Druid possibilities and can be Unseen

I don’t mind being jailed. I’m a pretty weak class this game.

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Nice Prince soft

Scum is more than welcome to kill me tonight.

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You do have to consider that NozBugz is not helpful as townie, it’s like baiting for scumslip opening there’s not single one.

But! I will consider PKR’s wagon push for now.

/vote NozBugz

But we need everyone to come online before judgement must be made, as usual. Only the healer knows I am not Unseen member.

Noz’s entrance today was weird.
That + the vines + the roles that have been softed already make me suspicious.

Noz, what’ve you got to say?

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He’s going to claim Observer and say he window peeked PKR.

/vote Noz

I know, Sketch. But giving that information away freely is what struck me as odd.
This kind of smells like “Hey this guy I just confirmed as BD is marked, ya’ll shouldn’t lynch him”.