Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

U no vote as u host!

oh yea /unvote

Is Rope getting modkilled then?

You’re not being PLd.
You’re being voted because of facts and you voting me @RopeStringFace

Might as well Lynch the slot out of the game

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name one fact you are voting me for

just policy lynch

can’t be bothered to read games EVER

I wonder if the two have something to do with each other…

we have backups for a reason everyone

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Oh nice, I forgot about backups. But it puts them in a bit of a sour spot though huh :stuck_out_tongue:

@PokemonKidRyan other than voting you, what “facts” are you going off of?

It’s day 4 and you have no scum suspects

Because I didn’t read the 300= paragraphs.

if you really want me to, I will go back and read them and then tell you who I think is susp.

Every time it’s just “300 posts somebody catch me up”
Like, how are you supposed to play like that? The whole point of forum games is to tone read people, to try and catch them in mistakes they’ve said, or see how their read progressions shifted. You can’t do that with a summary. Then the only thing you do is come in and OMGUS somebody.

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Squire is a safe claim for NK
As NK has Night immunity like Squire
You also voted me

Speaking of scum suspects, could you check either Braixen or nononoha tonight please @PokemonKidRyan? They’ve both been awful silent.

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That’s how you play the game

Already checked one of them

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Tone read results in a mis lynch 50% percent of the time

Unbacked statistics intensifies (also % percent lol)

Unless ashe is confirmed by some means unknown to me, my reading of the posts make me suspect ashe

/fos ashe