Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)


I hate time differences…


Of course all of us hate time zones.

Hey Wolf.
Want to hint your class to me?
I’m busy shipping you and it’s getting boring :stuck_out_tongue:

Who are ya gonna ship me with ey?

Noz perhaps

Someone else plz?



You are too new to ship.

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I just noticed the avatar for you Strangle.

Evil Karma from Infamous Second Son. Fun game.

Well good job you XD.

Is that an anime

A video game.

I just chose evil karma to make my avatar kind of look disturbing lol.

Give me a hint already, meanie!
I already asked :frowning:

Well but then you would know his class.

But that’s fine!
Isn’t it?
I already hinted to him.

Well good job now if he is a killer and your a important role your gonna die.