Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

Methnor just Decided Fate


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umm yea no

methnor him self needs to state it

That was mo’ like Decide Fade
plz laugh

so methnor do you want to decide fate?

Frost, please poison the King

Hell no.

Yeah I don’t think so.

you all know how trials work 24 hours unless the king says otherwise

Guess we’re here for the long haul then. Btw Sketch I have no idea what your class is XD

Also if Frost poisons me he dies so I’d really rather not.

Hmm I might be wrong after all.

So Rope got DF’ed by pardon?

nah he is still on trial

He will be off the stand within 24 hours?

I need to stop joking without a /s :stuck_out_tongue:

of course with enough innocents votes. but if enough guilty votes happen he will also be of the stand just… not in 1 piece

Yeah man you’re giving people bad ideas. I don’t want to die :frowning:

