Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

Seems about right.
Hang one, jail another, occupy the third?

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I was not occupied!

I feel like hanging wolf, as the one least likely to be unseen - insanity should execute brax, Frostwolf occupy jammy again

But you are scum, right?

What’s your claim, while we’ve got you around?

I already softclaimed to frost.

Yeah, no. That’s not good enough.

Well since you’re a top scum read at the moment you should probably go ahead and hard claim to the entire class :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay, I would preferably not claim. I have a feeling someone wants me dead.

Lol. You’re being singled out as possible mastermind, and will be jailed and executed… or lynched.

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So if I was to claim, i’d most likely be dead by tomorrow.

You’re going to definitely be dead by tomorrow if you keep it up.
Via your head being removed from your body by the Prince or the court.


You’re dead now anyway

@FadeBlade shouldn’t @nononoha be prodded/replaced for inactivity by now?

Fine, Ill claim.

I told you to hardclaim.
Do you dare go against me?
If you do, I’ll end this game for your faction.

Besides, if your claim holds water, there are ways to save you.

Pkr, do you think Wolfy is scum based on what I got form fade just now?

I hardclaim Princess. Pkr threatening me roood o_()

yea he is being replaced just waiting for my backups response to my question

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Princess holds no water.
RIP “Princess”

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