Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

Aside from rngesus, she still haven’t mentioned the third one ever.

Besides, wasn’t her goal to outlive to see three targets die?

Well questions for these later, so see you tomorrow.

Based on my logic @Frostwolf103 @PokemonKidRyan @Methnor @insanity @sketch there’s a risk Jammy is Sage and could mess stuff up, if we aren’t careful. We should Lynch Brax therefore - right?

My thinking is here, in case you were wondering

If Brax is the MM, we should get him now.

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That’s my deduction

Okay then.

/vote Brax


Jammy is incredibly more likely to be Mastermind then Sage.

Hanging a non-MM Unseen member is a good thing for scum. They WANT to do this which makes me think either Ashe or Jammy is Mastermind trying to get town cred and allow conversion tonight.

The MM is almost certainly Jammy because she was investigated on the final night of investigation immunity. She is almost certainly scum by her play, and the ONLY way she could be Sage is if MM whiffed two conversions in a row N1 and N2.

That being said, hanging Ashe reveals more info than it does Braixen.

… Whut? Did you read my logic as to why it’s brax most likely?

I did infact say my third target when I revealed, and as I said before, once Braixen is dead, feel free to execute me if you feel it’s likely that I’m Unseen. No worries. :wink:
/still voting Braixen

/vote Braixen

Still think Jammy is MM.

But even if he’s not, we are still occupying two players tonight and will likely prevent the conversion/kill.

I’ll get to Wifom against Wolfy tonight :smirk:

@Insanity jail and execute wolf

@Frostwolf103 block jammy if this is mastermind, otherwise, block Ashe or jammy

:face_with_monocle: What did you just said?

We have been searching for this second occupying class who did on Wolfy at night 3.

That you, Sketch?

I think he means prince