Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

why would I claim something I’m not? :thinking:

As that’s what you truly are.
Which is clear to everyone

That’s only if we have Day abilities remaining.
In my case, I have no need for worry any way.
Worst that could happen is Prince self Imprisons and executes while I’m converted.

PKR is your first reaction when you think you’ve found scum to go “hey why don’t you claim a scum class?”

because, from a non-biased point of view, that’s really dumb

BD wouldn’t claim scum it’s borderline gamethrowing
Scum wouldn’t claim scum unless 100% confirmed for the same reasons

Jammy, I’m messing around with you.
Although seriously you’re pretty much confirmed Unseen.
So while you may not be allowed to claim it.
We all know the truth anyway.
You’re a good player Jammy.
But I’m intrigued to see who you made target themselves.
I’m guessing Prince is gonna self imprison

Pants on Fire was removed

Nice try Jammy.
But read the Sage class card.

the Sage one was removed too pretty sure

maybe I’m thinking of something else though

You are.
However, that simply could be misdirection.
Like Trucy Wright! Or The Great Mr Reus

I don’t know who they are

but sure you are probably misdirecting me somehow

Yeah sure.
Tell that to the confirmed person.
That’s really gonna help your case

Confirmed or not, do you deny your love of playing tricks on people?

Playing tricks?
You make it sound so mischievous!
I’m not that sort of person.
I play no games with tricks

PKR I’ve known you long enough to never truly trust anything you say

I feel truly shocked to hear that!
I should be trusted more :frowning:
I’m a leader for FoL!
So I should lead while trusted as usual

I almost never lie in games!
When I do it’s not my choice!
I can’t choose what side I’m on in FoL.
Or else I’d always be BD
I love to lead

Jammy has been voted guilty she was The Sage no journal left

Night 5 begins now


Day 6 Begins

Braixen was killed last night he was The Mastermind he left a totally real journal

Bakura the Princess.
Night one: Insanity
Night Two: Moleland (Occupied)
Night Three: PKR
Night Four: Im going to get Occupied so, Im going to flirt with Sketch just in case.
Mole is asking for Guards that is suspicious
Sketch is acting in charge possible prince.
Frostwolf is acting weird maybe baiting or Evildoer
Ashe is looking scummy atm or is it just me?

He Had a death noteUntitled drawing (3)