Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

But it could be cult. Dama reeks of a safe NK kill

/Vote Strangle

/vote strangle

It really doesn’t Mole.
There’s no reason they wouldn’t kill a leader.
I would put money on it being the Unseen

/vote Strangle

The thing is Moleland, Druid isn’t capable of doing first night attacks.


NO plz don’t.

My point, your honour

I am not a corn.

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Really i am not.

Ah ;(

But I like corn.

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I’m going to jump on this wagon, at the very least I’d like a claim. I really hate this “plz don’t” posting style.

/vote Strangle

This is what happens when you comment before reading the whole thread

But you’re a Neutral which is great to kill.
We please the Druid and we lose someone who might harm us.


Sorry but i am not a corn.

Well i don’t get how thats a win win For ME.

If you’re corn, say your targets now.

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Win/Win for you =/= Win/Win for literally anyone else

Are you not even denying the fact that you’re a neutral? At the very least give us a claim.

I am not scorned i told i am a corn Remember luxs claim.