Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

I’ll claim tomorrow. I’m heading off the forums for a night

But it’s an action that affects the day

I got so drunk last night that i can’t use any day abilitys fyi

So, we have a drunk?

That’s a butler thing.

He said day abilities

Wait, I see

Random update TBH. Occupy is much better, considering how few roles have important day abilities

True, but it confirms there is a Butler, so it’s useful info to have if you just use it once.

Considering it affects bd roles more than any other alignment…

That’s not really true Moleland, the reason Fruit is not druid confirms it.

I said it mostly affects bd the most.

Ugh… Why is this taking forever to end?
That rule was supposed to be removed.
All it’s doing is wasting our time.
Making it so we can’t have more than 3 trials per day unless we vote literally at the beginning and as each trial would end

That rule was added not removed. :wink:

Actually it was added by eevee and Fade forgot that we said we’d remove it


It’s a good correction. I much prefer Eevee’s method.

I too enjoy prolonging the inevitable for no reason at all

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Well if it’s been removed, let’s get this show on the road then :stuck_out_tongue:

There isn’t a reason to prolong the day.

Why can’t you end my misery already :cry:.